Exploring your Human Design

Human Design provides a blueprint of your unique aura, and this reveals volumes about how you engage with life and the people in it. It will indicate your strengths as well as your life-long struggles, offering key ways to overcome them.

This understanding offers an opportunity to trust the deep wisdom of your body to make decisions. It helps you get out of your head, trapped in an endless, exhausting mental cycle of shoulds, which often results in feeeling defeated.

By allowing your specific energy to sync with nature’s rhythm, your purpose begins to emerge and your self-love and acceptance expands.

Exploring your Astrololgy

Your natal Astrology chart is the outline of your whole life narrative. It shows you the hand you’ve been dealt, but it doesn’t say how you’ll play it. This is part we can explore together.

Like Human Design, Astrology reveals what makes you tick. It can be an elevating insight into your intrinsic gifts, and it can validate why certain things have always been challenging.

With the timing techniques available to us now, Astrology is also a powerful tool for navigating the future and making sense of the past. This awareness can foster a profound sense of self-love and acceptance.