Welcome! I’m Riki.


I’m a 4/6 Emotional Generator born on the Cross of the Vessel of Love. An avid student of Amy Lee and John Cole at the Human Design Collective, I completed the IHDS Foundation Courses in 2022. I offer resources and guidance to those seeking to understand and implement Human Design theory to enhance self-knowledge and empowerment and to call in more joy and ease.

My life purpose is to guide others towards love of every kind – of the self, the body, and the spirit. And my Conscious Sun is in Gate 15, where love of humanity springs forth. I am called to empower my fellow beings in all ways and to reveal to them their own unique way of falling in love with life. 

Professionally speaking, I’ve been a teacher and linguist for thirty years. Of course, I am just as much a student as a teacher, and my path has meandered through several countries and universities. I’ve always sought a way to understand how, as Einstein put it, our separation from one another is an illusion. Human Design embraces this paradox, celebrating our uniqueness and autonomy while also honoring our profound interdependence.

When I began learning the “language” of Human Design, my life exploded in possibility. It’s like a secret code, that with understanding and practice can become a powerful users manual for the Self. Friends, let us go forth in love!

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